The Xela Clinics

  • cropped-edited-logo-1-of-1-1.jpg
  • Goodbye, Hello!  I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello.
    The commute to and from San Cristobal Totonicapan entailed a circle around the monument to los emigrantes in Salcajá - erected in honor of the incredibly large percentage of Salcajá sons and daughters who have gone off to work in the United States.  It's not clear to me if the emigrant pictured here is waving goodbye or hello
  • Hugo and Elbia at San Cristobal ceremonia de gracias
    Hugo, CCD's Quetzaltenango-based facilitator, makes the obligatory toast to the officials of San Cristobal Totonicapan at a ceremony early the first morning of the first clinic there
  • The Daily Commute
    Kelsie and Jessica on the way to work the first day of the Xela clinics. Nothing like a cold morning 12 kilometer ride on a bumpy road in an old pickup to start the day.
  • Volcanic Fields Forever
    Jessica and Meredith admire the late afternoon commute home from Olintepeque
  • The Mayor of San Cristobal Totonicapan Says Gracias
    I don't remember who the woman on my right is, but the man in the lab coat to my left is Dr. Jose, the director of the Centro de Salud in San Cristobal. The Mayor, who was newly elected in January, offers me - as representative of our group - a very eloquently expressed statement of appreciation for the services we will render over the course of the next two weeks
  • Wow, That Was Funny!
    Among the minor regrets of my life is that I didn't think to be respectful enough to take off my ball cap when I was directed to the front of the room to be very formally thanked and to make a speech about how happy we were to be offering free medical services in San Cristobal. I think what I said was OK, but next time I'll go better dressed. .
  • PA Students pose for Colgate advertisement in Xela Walmart
    Jessica, Meredith, and Kelsie pose while in line at the central Xela grocery store - which of course is owned by Walmart, as are virtually all supermarkets in Guatemala.
  • Olinteeque council honors the CCD/UTMB PA Student Mission
    The Official Welcoming Committee of Olintepeque briefly interrupted the clinic the first day, requesting that we go with them to the nearby "municipal palace" or city hall. Once there, we were greeted and thanked by a small group of elected officials, then led to the general assembly room for a larger and more show of gratitude by other dignitaries. Pictured is me in front, Michael behind me, and Meredith and Jessica in scrubs behind

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